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Planning permission for a shed

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Pukka Blog

Over the past few years, regulations regarding planning permission have been revised to facilitate the execution of specific home enhancements, including modifications to garden buildings. This guide by Pukka Sheds aims to address the query: “Is planning permission required for the installation of a shed?”
planning permission for shed

In the past few years, there have been revisions to planning permission regulations that aim to streamline the process of implementing specific home improvements. Notably, these changes have implications for the construction of garden buildings. Under the guidelines of ‘permitted developments’, the construction of a shed typically does not necessitate planning permission. However, it is advisable to conduct thorough checks to ensure that the proposed plans for your shed align with the regulations governing permitted development projects. Further details on this matter will be elaborated upon in the following sections.

Do you need planning permission for a shed?

For the vast majority of sheds in the UK, you won’t need planning permission. Building a shed in your garden is covered by permitted development rights, as long as you adhere to the rules in place. The same rules apply for other garden buildings, such as greenhouses and garages. One of the main factors that decides if your shed is a permitted development is whether it’s an additional feature of your home or if it’s not going to be a ‘living area’ with the main property. That means it’s fine to have a shed for storage or to support a hobby such as sports or swimming equipment (if you have a pool). If you’re planning to use your shed as a self-contained living space, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, then you’ll need to apply for planning permission before you build the shed.
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Can I put a shed up without planning?

Certainly, you have the ability to construct a shed without the need for planning permission, as long as you adhere to the following regulations in England and Wales: The shed must not exceed 50% of your property’s total area, be located in front of the house, or have a floor area exceeding 15m2. Additionally, the eaves height must not surpass 2.5 metres, the structure must be single-storey, and if within 2 metres of the property boundary, the total height cannot exceed 2.5 metres. It should have no veranda or balcony, with decking no higher than 30cm from ground level. Finally, the shed must be for domestic use only, excluding any sleeping accommodations.

Planning Permission Safe Sheds and Studios


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